Treinta y Tres, Uruguay
Treinta y Tres EN
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Treinta y Tres, Uruguay by Paolo Fallini, Uruguay
Treinta y Tres, Uruguay
Frequency: 1390 kHz
Power 5 kW
Height of mast: 54 m
A cage of six ropes is arranged around the mast.
Treinta y Tres, Uruguay
Mast with antenna tuning hut
Mast with antenna tuning hut
from the opposite side
Mast with cage of six ropes.
Stays with egg insulators
Mast with cage of six ropes.
Stays with egg insulators
Two painters painting the mast
Antenna tuning hut with mast
Output of the antenna tuning hut:
the cage is fed
Mast with cage of six ropes.
Satellite photo: Antenna Treinta y tres CW45 33°14'16.03" S; 54°22'16.23" W