Bechar MW 1
Bechar MW - 1EN
MW transmitter site ( 400 kW, 576 kHz )
The three masts of the MW antenna,
 height 108 m = 0,21 lambda
 (from left to right: reflector, radiator and director),
 only the radiator is fed.
The photo was taken from the site of the LW antenna.
Two transmitter sites are located in Bechar: the LW station ( max. 2000 kW, 153 kHz ) and the MW station ( 400 kW, 576 kHz ), which have seperate transmitter buildings. The spacing between the stations is about 1.5 km.
The MW antenna consists of three masts. Only the centre mast is fed. Director and reflector are not fed, the director is grounded and the reflector is tuned by a coil. The height of the triangular masts is 108 m, they have just one level of stays holding the masts at a height of 75 m.
576 kHz
The MW transmitting site seen from the other side when approaching the transmitter bulding by car. (It is the bulding with the little tower ahead on this road to the left.)
Horizontal pattern and coverage
The plot above shows lines of equal field strengths (63 dBuV/m) for different transmitter powers.
The field strength of 63 dBuV/m is recommended for a good reception.
Please be aware that the radiation pattern and the partly different ground conductivity is taken into account.
The Western mast, which is not fed, as director.
One mast of the LW antenna in the background.
The Eastern mast, which is not fed, as reflector.
In front the central mast which is fed.
One mast of the LW antenna in the background.
View from antenna towards transmitter building with feeder line.
The transmitter building
The transmitter building and the exit of the feeder line.
The transmitter building
Switch between antenna and dummy load.
The entrance of the transmitter building
Where is Bechar located?
MW site
Google map
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