Mersin 1
Mersin MW - 1EN
Mersin 630 kHz
Antenna with four masts in Mersin
Layout of antenna with four masts
Horizontal pattern of antenna covering the Eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea.
This site was formerly used by the United States of America (USA).
Where is Mersin located?
This map show all three antenna site visited in Turkey.
Antalya in the North East at the Black Sea,
Trabzon in the South West at the Mediterranean Sea and
Mersin in the central South at the Mediterranean Sea.
Mersin, town in South East Turkey
antenna site
active google map
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antenna site
active google map
You may increase, decrease, shift, change to satellite mode etc..
antenna site
active google map
You may increase, decrease, shift, change to street map etc..
Mersin, town in South East Turkey
Map of google earth
Antenna site Mersin
Map of google earth
Antenna site Mersin
Map of google earth