Trabzon 1
Trabzon - 1EN
Trabzon 954 kHz, 300 kW
The antenne is located in the centre of the city of Trabzon.
The antenna is fed at the base and the guys are equipped with insulators arranged in classical design.
This means that parts of the guys are not grounded electrostatically.
Guys statically grounded increase the reliability of the antenna during thunder storms because electrostatic voltages across guy insulators are avoided.
The guy insulators are quite large taking into account that during thunder storms high electrostatic voltages can occur.
Feeder line between transmitter building and antenna
mast with antenna tuning hut, the feeder line runs to the transmitter building
The rectangular structure of the lattice mast
The guy insulators are quite large taking into account that during thunder storms high electrostatic voltages can occur.
The guy insulators are probably not "fail safe".
Insulators are called fail safe, when after cracking of the ceramic metallic parts are taking over the forces avoiding the rupture of the guy rope.
The base insulator consists of three cylindric insulators of about 1 m each. It is easier to fabricate three "small" insulators instead of one big. The equal distribution of the forces is more complicated with three insulators than with one.
Again and again it is astonishing, that the heavy mast is standing on such a small surface on top of the base insulator. The mast is not fixed because it shall be able to move during strong winds.
In the centre of the open room with the roof a huge feed through insulator can be seen.
 Where is Trabzon located?
This map show all three antenna site visited in Turkey.
Trabzon in the North East at the Black Sea,
Antalya in the South West at the Mediterranean Sea and
Mersin in the central South at the Mediterranean Sea.
antenna site
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antenna site
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