The height of the tower is approximately 115 m. The lattice steel structure without ground insulation is grounded. The tower is surrounded by a cage of six ropes which are interrupted by rod insulators as well at the bottom of the tower as at the height of 60,5 m.
Below the long rod insulators the cage ropes are fixed to the middle cantilevers guaranteeing a defined spacing between tower and rope cage.
In the lower part of the cage, about 10 m below the middle cantilever also six horizontal ropes connect the tower and the cage ropes. They act as electrical short circuit of a coaxial line consisting of the tower of the inner conductor and the rope cage as outer conductor. This coaxial line behaves like a series reactance.
In total this is a center fed l/2-antenna with a series reactance at the footpoint. Due to this design a vertical pattern is achieved with a small side lobe and a deep null.
Hence the criteria for an antifading antenna with a maximum ground wave propagation are fulfilled.