Vigra MW   1EN
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MW Antenna Vigra  630 kHz
photographed by Jan Inge Ramsvik
Height of mast 232 m
Magne Ertresvåg writes on 4th of February 2012:

I live close to Vigra, I live in Ålesund, the town near Vigra. The Vigra
transmitter was closed down, and the mast dismantled, or rather they
used explosive to tear it down.

Please see this link: and be sad.

This was a sad moment for many living near this transmitter, we miss Vigra
transmitter. But now everything is about DAB-radio, FM and internet radio.

With the best regards


 MW antenna Vigra - maps
MW antenna Vigra - maps
map of Norway showing "my"
 three antenna sites in Norway

Kvitsoy near Stavanger

Vigra near Alesund

and Ingoy near Hammerfest

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